Thursday, October 2, 2014

PureZa For Life · Unleash The Good

PureZa For Life · Unleash The Good

Friday, August 29, 2014

Having Options: Discover a New Way to Make Money with Pets!NOW, mo...

Having Options: Discover a New Way to Make Money with Pets!NOW, mo...: Discover a New Way to Make Money with Pets! NOW, more than ever, is the perfect time to "capitalize on the booming pet industry&quot...
Discover a New Way to Make Money with Pets!
NOW, more than ever, is the perfect time to "capitalize on the booming pet industry" with your own pet wellness business and our proven business model & marketing systems!
People love their pets and will often spend more on them than on themselves. This means unlimited income opportunities for YOU!
    Americans spend $170 million dollars per day on pets
    Annually, more money is spent on pets than movies, videos and music combined
    More than 68 percent of US households own one or more pets

Every year pet owners will spend billions of dollars on dog and cat food, treats, supplements and other pet products to care for their furry four-legged friends! Now, you can GET PAID every time a purchase is made!
There has never been a better opportunity or time to begin profiting from the love people have for their pets. There is no limit to how much you can earn and commissions are paid weekly!
    PureZa For Life Company Overview (4 Min. Audio)

Become a Representative today and receive FREE:
    Your very own pet wellness store/website (A $180 value)
    An exclusive online marketing system which includes; a customized lead capture page,
    a built-in auto-responder and a FREE eBook give-a-way to promote your business (A  
    $259 value)
    Your very own business management Office Suite (A $120 value)
    A 24 Hr. Sizzle Call Line to help promote your business (A $108 value)
    Ongoing training, coaching and more! (A $350 value)

Over $1,000 worth of business building marketing tools FREE!
It’s simple, fun and anyone can do it! Start today and begin profiting immediately! I guarantee you are going to love your new pet wellness business. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It’s the perfect time to start profiting from pets!

Dave Huntsman

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Commitment, Action & Focus

Commitment, Action & FocusEdit

Dave Huntsman
"The millionaire says to a thousand people, 'I read this book and it started me on the road to wealth.' Guess how many go out and get the book? Very few. Isn't that incredible? Why wouldn't everyone get the book?!" -Jim Rohn
Commitment, Action, Focus...

Those are the THREE core values that ALL success is based off of...Let's go over each one more in depth.

1) Decide that you are going to give your networking business TWO years! (I know that seems like a LONG TIME, but that's the reality of the industry).

2) Decide that you are going to do SOMETHING to move your networking business FORWARD, every single day.

3) Decide that you are going to Lead by Example, and Develop Leaders.

1) Spend 80% of your working time on Marketing (capturing more leads, following up with them at least 5 to 12 times, keep going until you find 5 to 10 Potential Leaders).

2) Develop relationships with your GROUP (upline & downline). Develop PLANS with your GROUP, if they work, great...If NOT, no worry, make new plans.

3) Law Of Motion: A body in motion remain in motion...So, get moving. Take ACTION every single day, NO EXCUSES!

1) Develop DAILY, WEEKLY, and MONTHLY goals that are MEASURABLE...and CELEBRATE when those goals are completed!

2) Find ways to create more time to work on your networking Less Facebook, Turn off the TV, etc.

3) You get EXACTLY what you put into it...So, get focused, and get going.

"We all have two choices; We can make a living or we can design a life." -Jim Rohn

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The Leader adjusts the sails. - John C. Maxwell

A mediocre person tells. A good person explains. A superior person demonstrates. A great person inspires others to see for themselves. - Harvey Mackay

Dave Huntsman
For The People Marketing
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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Why NeoLife Club

I have been around the network marketing industry long before it was called a home based business. I new that somewhere out there had to be a way to make money and life my own life and creat a lifestyle for my wife and I so we did not need to wait to get old and then not be able to enjoy life. I wanted to enjoy life on MY terms and NOT anyone else.

After floating through other companies, I begin to discover the good ones and the bad ones and I just wanted to find what I thought was the perfect company. So after while I retired and started writing, coaching & mentoring.

Then out of the blue a good friend of mine called me and said Dave I think I have found what you have been looking for all of the years we have been friends, will you take a look? I informed him that as far as I was concerned I was retired from active networking. His come back was and it was so him. Dave I can only take you to look I can't force you to get involved only you can make that decision.

This was on a Thursday. Friday I did my research and contacted Mike to tell him I had interest but I wanted to sleep over the weekend to make a decision. You see I am a work-a-holic and I knew if I got involved I would be back to a lot of work to build a six figure+ income. On Monday I signed up as a new promoter.

I can tell you as far as I am concerned this is just the best company I can see out there and I have always looked at other opportunities with an open mind. None took my breath away until Neo Life Club.

Have I intrigued you at all?

Why not check the site it is simple just click the link and go to the site. Review the site entirely and let me know what you think.

Dave Huntsman
Neo Life Club